Rainbow Six Siege:How to Improve Attacking

2019-07-12 08:59:59

For most R6 players, attacking is much harder than defending. After all, better to be the spawnpeeker than the spawnpeeked. So, if you are one who prefer attacking and seeking for tips to improve your gameplay, then be sure to read on.

Learn the maps

Learn the maps. It’s all about map control. If you know where the site is, then try attacking the adjacent rooms first to take control. As a defending roamer, since you like Jager and Ela, you probably should already know the maps; but, as a roaming defender, it’s very easy to just lurk right next to your objective’s entrance point and not really know the map at all. If you don’t know the maps, learn the maps. Since you play defense roamers, why don't you try entering near where you usually roam?

On Border, when attacking armoury/archives, you can attack from west balcony entirely, but that leaves your team open to flanks from Security/break room. In this instance, you want to take control of Security/break room so that the rest of your team only has to worry about the push from west balcony. Also, you would want to think of rooms above/below objective so that you can apply pressure vertically (In this case, ventilation, exit hallway, and server room are right below the objective).

If you view attacking like this, then it significantly breaks down the angles you need to watch, and gives you a better understanding of how to attack the objective. Though I’m not a fan of Finka or Blitz, both can be very good for taking control of these adjacent rooms since you can engage defenders in these areas with some advantage, and if you die your team isn’t losing much in the way of utility (as opposed to Thacher or Thermite).

Droning is important

Droning is super important to feeling confident when you’re entering the building. Drones can build your pathway to the OBJ.If you feel uncomfortable attacking due to not knowing how to drone well, Jackal should be a good attacker for you to try. He has one of the best ARs in the game, he tracks people, he has a shotgun secondary for vertical gameplay or breaking hatches, he can bring breach charges for secure area or he can bring smokes for hostage/bomb. He’s a jack-of-al trades .

As Jackal, vertical gameplay is pretty important. I usually like to breach in from the floor above the objective. Most roamers would either be the floor below or above OBJ and the anchors usually don’t leave. As Jackal, you want to drone out maybe a reinforced hatch, or just find out where an operator just came from in prep phase. Chances are, you’ll find a roamer’s foot steps which can pretty much take one problem off your team’s check list. Knowing where a Roamer is alleviates SO much pressure form your team.

Droning shouldn’t take an insane amount of time. If you are playing with a team, save on time by having someone drone you in or vice versa. Try to drone out rooms quickly and efficiently as the intel is only good for a few seconds.

Save your initial drone by parking it in either the initial area of where you plan on entering the building from or park it near your spawn to see if anyone is spawn peeking.

Low gold players tend to have very poor drone management. Having the additional intel will automatically win you a handful more rounds on attack. It is probably the most important gadget in the game!

Communicate with your teammates

Last, communicate with your teamworkers are also very important. If you’re playing with a team that knows what they’re doing, but it gives you a general idea of what to do.

This is the best YouTube video for a general guide to attacking.

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