Overwatch Developer Update-Overwatch Summer Challenges 2019 to Release Sooner and Hero 31 Delayed
2019-07-13 08:50:02The latest Overwatch developer update is out and about. This time, Overwatch game director Jeff Kaplan has announced a delay in the release with Overwatch’s 31st hero and the release of the game’s Summer Games, along with a new set of challenges for the three-week event. In addition, a number of smaller tweaks will be added. For instance, if players complete an additional weekly challenge during the Summer Games, they can unlock an Epic Skin.
Most notably, according to Kaplan, this time, verwatch’s Summer Games, which normally kicks off at the beginning of August, will be coming “sooner than you expect”—although the exact release date has yet to be revealed.
Kaplan also gave a little bit of information pertaining to the upcoming Summer Games. Similar to the Baptiste Reunion Challenge, each of the three weeks the event is taking place will have “mini challenge” where you’ll have the chance to unlock an epic skin.
“We think some of the changes to how we distribute skins and how you get them will be much more compelling,” says Kaplan discussing the new Summer Games weekly challenges. “So look forward to that and other little changes coming to Summer Games and the schedule.”
Although there will seemingly be much changing with this year’s Summer Games, Kaplan did not speak to the game modes included for this go-around. The fan-favorite Lúcioball will likely return to the event’s docket, although whether Blizzard will appeal to Overwatch fans and finally introduce a new game mode for the summer-themed event is still up in the air.
As for Hero 31, Kaplan said that “he is going to be awesome” — and he emphasized the “he” — but that the developer needs a little more time to make him “even more awesome.” The most recent hero update for Overwatch was Baptiste the support character in March.
Another major announcement is an improvement in the game’s cheat detection system. Kaplan says that new cheat detection methods will shut down matches in which foul play is detected, but that no players on either side of the match will have their skill rating (SR) affected by suspected cheaters.
Lastly, the game’s newly-launched subtitles system has seen some improvements. That aside, Papa Jeff has said that there are going to be two more developer updates in the near future that promise to have some exciting new news.
You can watch the July 2019 Overwatch Developer Update below. Stay tuned with Boostinvip.com, a professional Cheap Overwatch Boosting service website.
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